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A Life Changing Trip To Haiti

A Life Changing Trip To Haiti

A Journey of Compassion and Action”

In 2018, I embarked on a profound voyage to Haiti, invited by five Haitian-Americans dedicated to aiding their homeland in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. For three immersive weeks, I eschewed luxury accommodations, opting to live among the local populace. The experience prompted a return visit in 2019, where I spent six weeks exploring avenues for assistance.

The expedition exposed me to the spectrum of human experience—witnessing firsthand the heart-wrenching depths of abject poverty and the daily struggles faced by the resilient Haitian people.

A narrative from the founder unfolds against the backdrop of everyday life: from dawn, where young girls fetch water, to dusk, witnessing the communal scramble for the day’s final water ration at a well. The resourcefulness of selling ice in the sweltering sun, using mulch for insulation, is emblematic of the creativity and survival instincts prevalent in the face of adversity. Yet, the pervasive self-employment, with citizens earning a meager $3-$5 USD per day, prompts reflection on the underlying challenges.

The stark reality of orphaned children pleading for sustenance, unsanitary market conditions, and mountain dwellers trekking miles for water paints a vivid picture. Visits to hospitals lacking essential supplies and a women’s prison with deplorable conditions underscored the dire need for systemic change.

Privileged to tour the entire island, the journey commenced in the Dominican Republic before traversing the border to Ouanaminthe and exploring key cities like Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince. Notable stops included Labadee, a tourist haven in stark contrast to the nearby poverty, and Mt. Zion, where Haitians gather daily for prayer. The landscape, comprising 70% mountains, showcased Haiti’s breathtaking beauty.

Amidst this odyssey, encounters with resilient individuals left an indelible mark. The glaring disparity between their untapped potential and the absence of opportunities fueled a commitment to make a difference on a global scale.

Inspired by this life-altering experience, I founded Freedom’s Dream Global L3C, driven by a vision to “Empower A New Generation at Home and Abroad.” The journey, marked by compassion and action, underscores the collective responsibility to effect positive change.

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