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A Young Man’s Burden with a Vision for Haiti

A Young Man’s Burden with a Vision for Haiti

To all who are reading my story,

I’m Jonel Joseph, a proud Haitian with a background in geography, environment, and land management, graduating from the State University of Haiti’s Henry Christophe de Limonade Campus in 2018. Beyond academia, I’m also a linguist and entrepreneur.

In May 2019, fueled by my passion for environmental protection and childhood welfare, I founded the Francophone Association for the Protection of the Environment and Childhood (AFPEE), aiming to instill agricultural entrepreneurship among Haitian youth. This nonprofit organization quickly got involved with seven schools in Hinche, focusing on the poorest areas to create sustainable solutions.

My journey intersected with Geneva Cole, the Founder and CEO of Freedom’s Dream Global, during their visit to Haiti in the summer of 2019. Their encouragement and support significantly bolstered my initiatives. However, despite my determination, sustainable funding is crucial for advancing our goals.

Haiti’s status as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere underscores the urgency of our mission. Economic hardships hinder education, environmental conservation, healthcare, and more. Therefore, we appeal for your support to invest in Haiti’s future. Your contributions will enable us to make a meaningful impact.

Born in Hinche, I am the third of four children, three of whom succumbed to various illnesses due to our family’s economic struggles. My parents toiled tirelessly to provide for us, but their strength waned over time. Despite these challenges, I persevered, completing my primary education at Frère Emmanuel School and secondary education at Petit Séminaire College Saint-Martin.

In 2017, I earned a diploma in Geography, Environment, and Territorial Planning from the Henry Christophe Campus, along with certificates in agriculture, entrepreneurship, and modern languages. These educational milestones equipped me to found AFPEE Haiti in 2019, driven by a vision of transformative change.

In addition to my professional pursuits, I find joy in various hobbies. I have a passion for football, finding solace and camaraderie on the field. Reading is another pastime I cherish, as it expands my knowledge and understanding of the world. I am constantly seeking to learn new things, whether it’s mastering a new skill or delving into unfamiliar subjects. Continuously advancing and polishing my abilities is essential to me, as it enables me to better serve my community and pursue my goals with greater efficacy.

My encounter with Freedom’s Dream Global led to a fruitful partnership in December 2021, further solidifying our commitment to Haiti’s development. Despite the adversities plaguing our nation, I remain steadfast in my belief in positive change.

Together, let’s remember Haiti and work towards a brighter future.

Jonel Joseph

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